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Examinations - Damp & Timber Surveyors

From 1st January 2018, the Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatments (CSRT) qualification has been re-named Certificated Surveyor of Timber & Dampness in Buildings (CSTDB). The CSRT qualification continues to be recognised as a professional qualification for surveyors in the property preservation industry.

Certificated Surveyor Qualifications: CSTDB / CSDB

From 1st January 2018, the Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatments (CSRT) qualification has been re-named Certificated Surveyor of Timber & Dampness in Buildings (CSTDB). The CSRT qualification continues to be recognised as a professional qualification for surveyors in the property preservation industry.

Also from 1st January 2018, for professionals working in the industry who specialise in understanding and diagnosing damp in all its forms but who do not specialise in timber infestation to a similar degree, there will be a separate formal qualification available: Certificated Surveyor of Dampness in Buildings (CSDB).

Candidates successfully passing the CSTDB/CSDB examinations from 2018 onwards will be awarded the ‘ABBE/PCA Level 3 Certificated Surveyor of Timber and Dampness in Buildings / ABBE/PCA Level 3 Certificated Surveyor of Dampness in Buildings’ through ABBE (Awarding Body for Building Education).

ABBE is the leading awarding organisation providing qualifications for the built environment.* You can read more about ABBE and their accredited qualifications here.

The qualifications are made up of the following modules:

  1. Legal and Health & Safety
  2. Damp
  3. Timber

To achieve CSTDB status candidates are required to pass ALL THREE modules.

To achieve CSDB status candidates are required to sit and pass two modules: 1. Legal and Health & Safety and 2. Damp.

Candidates can sit all relevant modules at the same time, or take them individually during different exam periods if preferred/more convenient.

Examinations are held over a two-day period:

Day One
09.30 – 11.45: Timber written paper
12.00 – 17.00: Timber identification test & oral examination (20 minutes each) – Timings for ID test & oral exams normally given to individuals on the day
In the Timber ID test, candidates must correctly identify the correct fungus and/or infestation within twelve timber samples.

Day Two

09.00 – 11.00: Legal and Health & Safety paper (also relevant to CSSW qualification)
11.30 – 13.45: Condensation & Dampness written paper
14.00 – 17.00: Condensation & Dampness oral examination (20 minutes) – Timings for oral exams normally given to individuals on the day

Please note: timings are subject to change. A confirmation email is issued to candidates two weeks in advance of each exam.

Candidates are required to achieve a 50% mark on each element of the exams to recieve a pass.

Candidates have the opportunity to take a ‘mock exam’ via our website and gain individual comprehensive feedback on their submitted paper. For further information, please contact the PCA Training Team on tel. 01480 400 000.

Examination Preparation

An examination preparation course is available and is particularly useful for those candidates who have not recently sat an exam, to help them practice exam techniques by working through some past papers with a tutor.  It also provides a valuable opportunity for candidates to clarify any areas where they may be unsure prior to sitting the formal examination. Read more and check dates.

Past Papers

Example exam papers can be accessed here: TimberCondensation & DampnessLegal, Health & Safety

Syllabus & Recommended Reading List

Click here to download the CSTDB / CSDB Syllabus

Click here to download the CSTDB / CSDB Reading List


CSTDB / CSDB Examination Dates

Month  Timber Damp Legal
February 2022 No Timber Exam Weds 23rd Weds 23rd
March 2022 Tues 8th**FULL** Weds 9th**FULL** Weds 9th**FULL**
March 2022-Scotland Tues 29th Weds 30th Weds 30th
April 2022 Tues 12th Weds 13th**FULL** Weds 13th
June 2022 Wed 22nd**FULL** Thurs 23rd**FULL** Thurs 23rd**FULL**
July 2022 Tues 5th Wed 6th Wed 6th
September 2022 Tues 27th Wed 28th Wed 28th
December 2022 Tues 20th Weds 21st Weds 21st

Examination Fees

Fees for PCA Members
£220 +VAT Timber examinations
£220 +VAT Condensation & Dampness examinations
£205 +VAT Legal and Health & Safety examination

Fees for non PCA Members:
£260 +VAT Timber examinations
£260 +VAT Condensation & Dampness examinations
£235 +VAT Legal and Health & Safety examination

*ABBE charge a registration fee per qualification of £50 +VAT. This one-off fee will be applied to the invoice for all those individuals sitting the CSTDB/CSDB examinations.

Please note that there are a limited number of places on each examination and places can only be reserved with full payment.  Please check back here for additional dates as they are announced.

Click below to download a Booking Form or contact Jo or Jade on tel. 0844 375 4301.

Book Now

Note for PCA members:  All candidates successfully attaining CSTDB status who work for a PCA member company will receive a ‘Qualified Surveyor’ card along with their certificate. In order to receive a card, candidates will need to supply a current photograph at the time of booking a place on the examination.

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11 Ramsay Court
Kingfisher Way
Business Park
PE29 6FY

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