Property Care Association Property Care Association

19 Jun 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 20th June 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • PCA Research to be Published in International Journal
  • Proud to be Part of the PCA
  • Knotweed Surveys & Artificial Intelligence
  • Training – We are chuffed to be back up & running!
  • Dealing with the Effects of Damp – Principals & Considerations
  • Defects in Cavity Construction Training
  • Welcome to our new members
  • Missed the Webinar? View the Recording

PCA Research to be Published in International Journal

We are delighted to share with members that our research paper “Building moisture diagnosis: processing, assessing and representation of environmental data for root cause analysis of mould growth” will be published in the international publication, ‘Buildings Simulation’.

Following the presentation from your resident researcher Paula Lopez-Arce at the Indoor Air Quality Conference in Italy last year, it has been fantastic to see this research grow and develop: from initial publishing of a short paper, to an invitation to extend the research and a peer review for a Special Issue on Indoor Air Quality and Indoor Pollution Modelling! This is scientific proof of the success of this project and the credibility your Association has now established in the academic arena, not to mention the investment by you, our members in supporting the Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP).

We will share the published article with members as soon as it is available online. For now you can find out more about the journal by clicking on the button below.

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Proud to be Part of the PCA

We are really proud of our Association, of our members, and the great work we are all doing to set standards and achieve best practice. However, following a series of negative comments towards the Association over these past few weeks, Technical Manager James Berry shares some thoughts on the PCA’s achievements and why he is proud to be part it.

Find out more by clicking on the button below.

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Knotweed Surveys & Artificial Intelligence

Can knotweed surveys be done by ArtificiaI Intelligence (AI)? The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) posted a news item this week that provides food for thought – could this potentially be a threat to surveyors?

It has been taken seriously enough for UKCEH to have been awarded a grant from Innovate UK to develop roadside knotweed detection systems in collaboration with Keen AI. We learnt a bit about the potential for this sort of technology from Dr Oliver Pescott at last year’s Invasive Weed conference, but this is really a big leap forward and we encourage all of our members to read the full article, via the button below. The basic data collection process seems to be similar to Google Streetview, the ‘clever bit’ is the software designed to pick knotweed out from the rest of the green canvas!

Is it a threat to expert surveyors (of the human or dog variety)? We think not! It seems though to have the potential to allow rapid screening of transport corridors for invasive weeds and, as such, could accelerate the management of said weeds. But each stand detected will still need to be investigated in detail and bespoke management plans put in place by qualified (human) professionals. We await developments with interest….

Click for More Info >>

Training – We are chuffed to be back up & running!

We were delighted to be back at the office earlier this week for our first training course since the pandemic began as we welcomed 8 candidates to the Thermography course.

Our thanks go to each of the attendees and our trainer Stuart Holland for their cooperation, compliance and patience. Daniel Cahill from Chorus Homes said afterwards; “Considering the circumstances I thought you did a fantastic job from start to finish. The procedures that were put in place were clear, concise and easy to follow with a good group size to achieve the required distance and individually wrapped lunches and our own tea tray was a great idea! I felt very comfortable and at ease throughout the day, I think you nailed it!”

Our training courses are filling up quickly, so be sure to get in touch with Amber or Jade on 01480 400000 for more information, or click on the button below.

Click for More Info >>

Dealing with the Effects of Damp – Principals & Considerations

Our series of webinars continues with ‘Dealing with the effects of Damp – Principals & Considerations’ on Thursday 25th June 2020, from 9-10am. Join PCA’s CEO Steve Hodgson as we look at the principals and considerations that a damp contractor must process to deliver appropriate remedial strategies.

Members can tune in to this webinar by registering via the button below.

Click to Register Now >>

Defects in Cavity Construction Training

Want to know more about defects in cavity construction? Our training course is designed for those who have a background in surveying or construction and looks closely at the history and function of cavity walls, and how to investigate, diagnosis and repair defects associated with:

  • Bridged or blocked cavities
  • Corroded or inadequate cavity wall ties
  • Interstitial condensation
  • Thermal bridging
  • Implications of retrofit installation
  • Other common structural defects

Interested in grabbing that last place? Get in touch with the training team today on 01480 400000 / [email protected], or click on the button below.

Click to Contact Us >>

Welcome to those joining the PCA

We are pleased to welcome the following company into PCA membership:

  • Arti Construction Ltd(Contractor – Structural Waterproofing)
  • JBB Knotweed Solutions Ltd(Contractor – Invasive Weed)

Missed the Webinar? View the Recording

A big thank you to all of our PCA members who joined the ‘Atmospheric moisture & compliant ventilation’ webinar yesterday. Your Technical Manager James Berry explored why we need to think about ventilation a little more deeply and why the Government, local authorities and ourselves at the PCA are paying a lot more attention to it recently.

With another fantastic audience joining us for this very topical issue, it was once again a very engaging webinar! If you were unable to attend, or if members wish to listen again/share with colleagues, you can view the recording by clicking on the button below.

View the Recording >>

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