Property Care Association Property Care Association

05 Jan 2024 < Back

The Future Homes Standard

The PCA has campaigned for more action to address condensation, damp and mould in homes at a national policy level for many years now. However, one future area where we would like to see action taken is in the Government’s Future Homes and Building Standards.

The new standard...

This Standard, being introduced by 2025, will require newly built homes and non-domestic buildings to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency. 

It will cover the wider impacts of Building Regulations Part L for new homes, including changes to Part F (ventilation), its associated Approved Document guidance, airtightness and improving as-built performance of the constructed home.

The balance of heating, insulation and ventilation

As many PCA members are aware, the key to effective damp control is an appropriate balance of heating, insulation and ventilation. More robust Building Regulations could support the achievement of this in new homes. 

We have previously voiced concerns that the current format of Approved Document F, the Building Regulation which addresses ventilation in homes, does not get the attention it deserves and is not enforced to the same extent as other areas of the Building Regulations. We hope in time this will be addressed as effective ventilation plays a vital part in controlling damp and providing healthy homes. 

There’s a need for a focused approach to ventilation and air quality that benefits the health and wellbeing for occupants, while being alert to the cost of energy. 

These are simple strategies that would make considerable in-roads in tackling the growing blight of mould and condensation for millions of householders and we need to see action not just in the new-build sector but in retrofit solutions for our existing housing stock. 

Looking forward

With more homes than ever being affected by mould, we need more action that is targeted, swift and efficient. 

The PCA will be seeking input from members before submitting a response to the Future Homes Standard consultation. Further details will be published in future newsletters but if you have any comments in the meantime (or just want to make sure you're part of the conversation), please submit these to [email protected].  



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