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10 Dec 2020 < Back

Hodgson View: Flood Performance Certificates

On Wednesday morning Flood Re hosted the launch of a report that they recently commissioned. Flood Performance Certificates (FPC) is an idea that in some ways follows the template of energy performance certificates, making the case that FPC would inform homebuyers and tenants about the risk of flooding before they buy or sign a lease agreement.

The concept is that this would help kickstart the widespread adoption of property flood protection measures as landlords and purchasers, lenders and insurers are incentivised to improve their FPC rating, by adopting measures to make buildings more recoverable after flooding events.

We will support Flood Re as best we can

Despite the really comprehensive nature of the report and the obvious detailed thought that lay behind its recommendations, the Minister Mrs Rebecca Pow MP was totally non-committal in relation to its recommendations. I would go as far as to speculate that her speech did little to instil the belief that she has actually read it. Her departure before the debate took place, perhaps illustrates her commitment to the proposal?

We would commend the report and will do what we can to support Flood Re in their efforts to seek support and get it enacted, and would recommend that everyone with an interest in the issue of flooding should take a look at the document.

Why should this certificate be totally focused on flooding?

When reading the report and the rationale behind its creation I was struck by a thought. Why should the idea of creating a mandatory certificate for water damage be totally focused on flooding? Why could it not be extended to cover all moisture risks in buildings? Flooding blights buildings and ruins lives but the report concludes that this is predictable, and its affects can be diminished or eliminated when prior knowledge is made available.

Exactly the same can be said for mould and condensation, water penetration and ground water ingress. So what is to prevent the creation of a Moisture Performance Certificate that includes an assessment of moisture risks from all these sources of water, including flooding? The technology, skills and benefits are accessible and clear, so why not?

Watch the Webinar!

You can view the Flood Re event by clicking on the button below.

Watch the Webinar >>

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