Property Care Association Property Care Association

18 Jan 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 18th January 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • A Series of Webinars
  • Kickoff 2020 with an Apprenticeship
  • Another endorsement for the Joint Methodology
  • Belgium’s Historic Environment and Beyond
  • A Spotlight on the Benefits of Membership
  • 2020 Subscriptions, Enhanced Listings and CPD Invoices
  • Beat the Winter Blues with PCA Training
  • Welcome to our New Members

A Series of Webinars

You asked and we’re now scheduled to deliver! Your Association is kickstarting 2020 with a series of webinars focusing on key topics and issues affecting the industry. The first of these informative, insightful and useful events takes place on 13th February (8-9am) and will be hosted by PCA Board member Ben Hickman, CSSW.LONDON. Ben’s webinar will concentrate on “Avoiding Failures in Podium Deck Waterproofing”.

Register your interest via the button below. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

Click to Register Now >>

Kickoff 2020 with an Apprenticeship

Why not kickoff 2020 with an apprenticeship and discover if you are eligible for free money for your staff development? The skills shortage across the industry is a growing concern and a topic we are reading more and more about. Your Association can help you get the most out of the funding opportunities available when enrolling your technicians on one of our apprenticeship programmes. So what are the benefits to getting your staff qualified?

Benefits for Employers:
• 92% believe it leads to a more motivated and satisfied workforce
• 80% reported an increase in staff retention
• Designed around the skills needed for the industry

Benefits for the Apprentice:
• Receive recognised qualifications (NVQ Level II)
• Earn while you learn with practical learning

With these benefits and the possibility of receiving funding to cover the costs, what are you waiting for? Contact Jade today on 01480 400720.

Click for More Info >>

Another endorsement for the Joint Methodology

We are delighted to report that The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) joins Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish heritage organisations in support of our Joint Methodology document: ‘Investigation of Moisture and its Effects in Traditional Buildings’.

PCA members should take great pride in this endorsement and we hope to report on additional organisations coming on board in due course.

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Belgium’s Historic Environment and Beyond

Tuesday evening saw myself and Paula Lopez-Arce attend an event for the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings (UKCMB) at University College London (UCL).

Two short presentations were given. The first from Dr Julie Desaurnard of the Belgian Building Research Institute went well over my head. She explained how they measured the forces created by salts within a capillary as they crystallise. This is, of course, one of the processes that inevitably leads to the deterioration of damp structures.

Sebastian Godts of the Belgian Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage presented the second talk. This was far more practical and gave an insight into the work he has done to understand the salt loading in an ancient tower in Belgium. The take home message from Sebastian was that he felt that salts were only a real issue when you had lots of free water sloshing about. One of the main sources of this water in the tower was rising damp and his organisation has had a great deal of success controlling rising damp with chemical injection.

So in about two seconds, Sebastian put to bed two of the implausible arguments put forward by the “no such thing as rising damp” simpletons. They get lots of rising damp in Europe and chemical injected DPCs work well to control it. It was certainly worth a wet Monday night trip to London and thanks go to UCL and our new friends from Belgium.

Click for More Info >>

A Spotlight on the Benefits of Membership

As we begin 2020, it’s important we remind ourselves of some of the benefits of PCA membership. The PCA logo is an established ‘badge of excellence’ and enables consumers to recognise your professionalism and credibility. Your Association fiercely protects the PCA identity, with action taken against anyone misusing or fraudulently using the logo.

Vehicle stickers: To further aid you as you promote your membership of the PCA, members are reminded that we have a stock of vehicle stickers available FREE OF CHARGE:

  • White vehicles: Full colour logo on white background
  • Others: Clear version for non-white backgrounds

If you require any vehicle stickers, please contact the PCA office for more information.

Click for More Info >>

2020 Subscriptions, Enhanced Listings and CPD Invoices

Thank you to all those who have already paid their 2020 subscription, enhanced listing and CPD invoices.

Direct Debit: For those who have elected to pay by direct debit (DD), your first payment will be collected on or around 28th January, together with your collection fee and if relevant, your CPD renewal fee..

Gentle reminder: For those still to pay their invoices (which were due for payment on 1st January) and if paying by BACS, please ensure you include your invoice number(s) as a reference – this greatly helps with the reconciliation process.

Get in touch: For queries relating to 2020 invoices, subscription and enhanced listings please contact Sue – [email protected]. For CPD invoices, contact Amber – [email protected].

Click to Contact Us >>

Beat those Winter Blues with PCA Training

Calling all Technicians!!!

The PCA recognises the importance of having trained and qualified technicians that do the job right! Our technician courses are aimed at enhancing the knowledge and understanding of experienced technicians as well as provide a good foundation for those embarking on a new career.

Following successful completion of the Technicians exam, candidates will gain ‘PCA Qualified Technician‘ (PCAQT)’ status*, which is highly respected in the industry and sought after by customers and employers alike.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected].

*for Japanese knotweed qualified technician status, candidates will need to provide evidence of their PA1 and PA6w.

Click to Contact Us >>

Welcome to our New Members

We are very pleased to welcome the following contractor into provisional status of PCA membership:

Clearsafe Partners Ltd (Provisional Status– Invasive Weed Sector)
52, Gwyn St

In the News

The launch of our Joint Methodology document, “Investigation of Moisture and its Effects in Traditional Buildings” has appeared on Sava Edge and in a number of local publications this week including: Evening Mail, Hexham Courant, Cumberland News, Whitehaven News & Westmorland Gazette.

Remember to keep in the loop…

Find out the latest news instantly by following the PCA via our social media channels:

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